Data-Only Containers in Docker: Flexibility in Data Management

We will explore how DOCs (data-only containers), as a deliberate and thought-out approach, for managing data in Docker. DOCs are particularly interesting in scenarios requiring the distribution of static, unmodifiable data – such as packaged website content, tenanted configuration files, or standardized test datasets.

DOCs offers a reliable and efficient method to manage data separation and portability in Docker to deploy immutable data resources across different stages of development since they can be versioned, shared, and reused across different environments.

DOCs are not a new concept, but I believe they are still relevant and useful in modern containerized environments.

What are Data-Only Containers?

Unlike standard containers, they do not run applications or services. Instead, they act as static volumes where data is stored and shared among other containers, but offering immutability and versioning.

Creating and using a data-only container is kinda straightforward. Here’s how they can be created and used.

Creating a data-only container:

Start by creating the data-only container using the busybox image, which is a minimalistic Linux distribution:

docker create -v /data --name static-data busybox

The -v flag specifies the volume to be created, and the --name flag assigns a name to the container. Check the container’s status using the docker ps -a, that has been created (not running):

$ docker ps -a

626cd6581ecb   busybox   "sh"      About a minute ago   Created             static-data

There is a volume created using the docker volume ls command and the docker inspect command to view the volume’s details:

$ docker volume inspect fbc19e487531933c774ef5b73f8846d1657377c0f38fd37a27fcbb5a3c942610
        "CreatedAt": "...",
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": {
            "com.docker.volume.anonymous": ""
        "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/fbc19e487531933c774ef5b73f8846d1657377c0f38fd37a27fcbb5a3c942610/_data",
        "Name": "fbc19e487531933c774ef5b73f8846d1657377c0f38fd37a27fcbb5a3c942610",
        "Options": null,
        "Scope": "local"

Using data from the data-only container in another container:

To use the data from the data-only container in another container, we can use the --volumes-from flag to mount the volume from the data-only container to the new container.

docker run -d --volumes-from static-data --name webapp nginx

Executing the docker inspect command on the webapp container, we can see the volume mounted from the static-data container:

$ docker inspect webapp
        "Mounts": [
                "Type": "volume",
                "Name": "fbc19e487531933c774ef5b73f8846d1657377c0f38fd37a27fcbb5a3c942610",
                "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/fbc19e487531933c774ef5b73f8846d1657377c0f38fd37a27fcbb5a3c942610/_data",
                "Destination": "/data",
                "Driver": "local",
                "Mode": "",
                "RW": true,
                "Propagation": ""

In practice inside the running container, there is a directory /data that contains the data from the static-data container. Anyway, so far so good, this is pretty much how data-only containers work, and it’s present in documentation and tutorials all over the place.

The read-only use case

The read-only use case is still the reason I find data-only containers relevant and the reason for this post.


You are managing a multi-tenant application where each tenant has its unique API keys, database credentials, and configuration settings. These secrets are critical for the operation of each tenant’s instance of the application and must be securely managed to prevent unauthorized access.

Here is a simple illustration of how a Kubernetes pod can be configured with a secrets mount volume, under etc/secrets/ there are tenant-specific secrets that are accessible to the application container.

Kubernetes Pod with Secrets Volume

The Problem

The problem arises when we need to have a consistent application approach across the different runtimes, docker in development and kubernetes, for example, in production.

The Solution

The Docker Way

The solution is to use a data-only container to manage the secrets and configuration files for each tenant.

  • We can build a data-only container from a Dockerfile that copies the secrets and configuration files into the container and declares a volume at the location of the secrets.
FROM busybox

# Copy the secrets file into the container
COPY tenant1-secret /etc/secrets/tenant1
COPY tenant2-secret /etc/secrets/tenant2
COPY tenant3-secret /etc/secrets/tenant3

# Declare a volume at the location of the secrets
VOLUME /etc/secrets

Tag the image and push it to a registry to share it across different environments and the team.

  • Create a data-only container from the image:
docker create -v /etc/secrets --name secrets secrets:latest
  • Use the data-only container in another container:
docker run -d --volumes-from secrets --name api-gateway api-gateway:latest

Inside the api-gateway container, the secrets are accessible at /etc/secrets.

/etc# ls -lart secrets
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb  5 14:03 tenant1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb  5 14:03 tenant2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb  5 14:03 tenant3

The Docker-Compose Way

In a docker-compose.yml file, we can define the data-only container and the application container using the following configuration:

version: '3.8'
    build: .
      - secrets_volume:/etc/secrets
    image: api-gateway:latest
      - secrets
      - "80:80"
    container_name: api-gateway


Again, the secrets are accessible at /etc/secrets inside the api-gateway container.


Hopefully, this post has been able to shed some light on the relevance and advantages of data-only containers and how they can be strategically used. The example used, offers a consistent approach to making secrets available to the application container across different runtimes, however, for production uses, we should use external secrets backends like Hashicorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager instead of files.